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How can you recover deleted files, fast and free.

Cómo se puede recuperar archivos borrados, rápido y gratis.

Cum poţi recupera fişiere şterse, rapid si gratis.

Unu dintre cele mai bune programe si uşor de folosit este RECUVA.

Vestea proastă este că recuperare fişierelor şterse este posibilă numai în anumite condiţii. Pentru cei care nu ştiu, voi explica la modul simplist cum este posibilă recuperarea fişierelor. Când ştergi un fişier, acesta nu este şters efectiv ci doar ascuns. Aşa se face că poate fi recuperat destul de simplu.

Condiţia principală este să încerci recuperarea înainte de a scrie alte date pe partiţia sau harddisk-ul respectiv. Cu cât apar mai multe fişiere noi, cu atât şansele de recuperare sunt mai mici, pentru că acestea vor fi copiate peste cele şterse.Este un program simplu,eficient cu interfata in mai multe limbi si gratis.


Program he opens almost any file.

Universal Viewer
Program care deschide aproape orice fisier.

The program is called Universal Viewer. You can download gratis this program from here or Professional version who is not free from here.

Programul se numeste Universal Viewer.Puteti descarca gratuit acest program de aici sau versiunea Profesionala care nu este gratuita de aici.

The program can open the following extensions:

Image: bmp, ico, wmf, emf, jpg, jpeg, jpe, jfif, png, gif, rle, dib, tga, tif, tiff, psd, fax, eps, icb, win, vst, vda, pcx, pcc, rpf, rla, sgi, rgba, rgb, bw, pdd, ppm, pgm, pbm, cel, pic, pcd, cut, pal, psp, jp2, jpc, pnm, ras, mis, ani, cur

Media: avi, mpg, mpeg, mpe, mpv, mp3, mp2, mp1, m1v, m2v, mpv2, mp2v, mpa, m1a, m2a, asf, lsf, lsx, ivf, wav, mid, midi, rmi, kar, aif, aifc, aiff, au, snd, mov, qt, 3gp, 3gp2, 3g2, 3gpp, ra, rm, ram, rmvb, rpm, rt, rp, smi, smil, roq, asx, m3u, pls, wvx, wax, wmx, wmv, wma, wmp, wm, cda, ac3, dts, vob, ifo, d2v, fli, flc, flic, mka, mkv, ts, tp, tpr, pva, aac, mp4, ogm, ogg, divx, vp6, m4a, m4b, vqf, ape, mpc, flac, flv, dvr-ms, wtv

Internet: htm, html, xml, xsl, mht, pdf, swf, xps, shtml, xhtml, shtm, stm, php, php2, php3, asp, pl, vrml, plg, htt, htx

Office: odt, ods, odp, odg, odf, odb, odm, ott, oth, ots, otg, otp, sxw, sxc, sxg, sxi, sxd, sxm, stw, stc, std, sti, doc, dot, docx, docm, xls, xlt, xlsx, xlsm, xlsb, ppt, pptx, pptm, pps, ppz, pot, wbk, wps

Text Converter (fisiere care pot fi convertite in plain text): doc, dot, docx, docm, xls, xlt, xlsx, xlsm, xlsb, ppt, pptx, pptm, pps, ppz, pot, wbk, wps

The Best FREE/GRATIS Player is KmPlayer

"A new Windows installation usually requires that third-party software is also installed in order to meet daily demands. Whether you think of an antivirus, a CD / DVD tool, compression utility, file manager, Internet browser, office suite or multimedia players, you normally go with a particular set. When it comes to video players, there a few that really do their job properly. KMPlayer sits at the top, sharing its ranks with other notorious applications such as Windows Media Player, VLC media player, BS.Player or Gom Player.

The installation process of KMPlayer needs your focus as you go from one step to the next one. You are asked to select the type of install by choosing from `Recommended`, `Full Install` and other codec-free installations. This is the first place where you encounter one of the reasons that list KMPlayer as `ad-supported` on Softpedia – the PandoraTV Desktop icon. At the end of the process, you are also prompted to install the KMPMedia Search Bar – you can easily decline this.

The KMPlayer Wizard welcomes you as you run the application for the first time and proves to be of great aid in configuring the video player. You can opt for `Default Setting`, `Keep existing setting` or go with a new `User define Setting`. In case you selected the last of the options, the wizard gradually takes you from selecting an optimized preset for either Performance, General Use and Quality to `Decoder Usage`, `Work Priority`, `Subtitle Configuration`, `Speaker Setup` and `Skin Selection`.

The interface provided by KMPlayer is simply brilliant – it's clean yet stylish. It enables you to quickly access the options of the video player within a few clicks by approaching the intuitive side within. The program virtually supports every media format, both video (AVI, MOV, MPEG, MKV, MP4, FLV, 3GP, TS, WMV, ASF, SWF or RM) and audio (MP3, AAC, WAV, WMA, CDA, FLAC, M4A, MID, OGG, AC3 or DTS). Besides, it also features support for Pictures, Playlists, Subtitles and even CD Image files.

KMPlayer comes in handy for those of you in possession of an analog or digital capture device. The application connects to either WDM TV and BDA HDTV devices and brings the stream to your desktop in no time at all. No matter the source, the playback is flawless and the video processing technologies are put to best use.

Highly customizable, KMPlayer offers many settings to tweak just by right-clicking on its interface - `Screen Controls`, `Pan & Scan`, `3D Subtitle Control`, `Capture` or `Control Box` are just a few of them. For further, deeper configuration, you can always enter the Preferences window and enjoy a great array of options – you may lose track of time by getting in here and end up spending hours setting each and every aspect of the video player.

KMPlayer covers the basics of video playback and smoothly goes beyond this by providing advanced features and customization at your fingertips. Whether you are part of the beginner's guild or a more demanding community, this application is easy-to-use and nifty at the same time. Nevertheless, KMPlayer deserves to be regarded as one the truly well-built media players out there and a clever alternative to any player."

Download the last version of KmPlayer from : Here or Here

Program Gratuit de convertit filme,videoclipuri in Gif-uri

Este foarte simplu. Deschidem aplicatia si importăm video-ul in aceasta, cu ajutorul butonului [Browse Video]:

Pasul urmator consta in indicarea dimensiunilor la care dorim sa fie generata imaginea animata, deci vom scrie lațimea dorită, in pixeli, în caseta [Width]; de inaltime se va ocupa aplicatia, atat timp cat caseta [Keep aspect ratio] va ramane selectata (este mai bine sa nu o debifati pentru a nu obtine o imagine distorsionata). Cu ajutorul butonului [Next] vom trece la urmatoarea fereastra, unde, dupa ce selectam calitatea imaginii finale precum si FPS-ul acestuia (numarul de fotograme pe secunda), nu ne mai ramane decat sa o generam, apasand pe [Make GIF]:
Imaginea obtinuta:

Download - Descargar - Descarcati Programul de HERE/AQUI/AICI